The Wires:
A Spring Concert

Join us for a FREE performance by The Wires: A Spring Concert, live at the Pilgrim Chapel on Wednesday, March 15, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
This event is FREE but is ticketed due to limited space.
Tickets are available via Eventbrite. Click here to get yours.
@thewireskc are an alternative strings duo. This performance will feature a flowery potpourri of original string music inspired by the balance of the Spring Equinox where day and night are equal.
Let the music thaw away any iciness left over from the long, dark Winter. Together we will beckon forth the blossoms through sweet melodies and rhythmic undertones influenced by the awakening of Spring. We’ll also celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with some Celtic favorites!
Want to hear more? The Wires released a CD in December of 2020, as well. Read about the group and how to get their albums here.
And check out their 2020 Winter Solstice performance, live streamed from the Pilgrim Center.